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"Play to Earn" - where you can earn money by playing games and selling in-game characters. On the NFT booming tendency from the year of 2021, it has been attracting many attention as a new way of earning money.
From the second half of 2021, the concept of "Move to Earn" has been emerging. So exactly, what is "Move and earn"? Let’s find out in this blog.
Move to Earn
"Move to Earn" is a mechanism which helps people get crypto rewards by linking NFT (Non-Fungible Token) and movement. Specifically, as your walking or jogging, and your owning tokens will be distributed according to the speed and distance you had been moving.
Using GPS of smartphone, user's movement is grasped in real time, as long as the application is started, tokens are given from start to end of the moving. Tokens are bought and sold on crypto asset exchanges, so if the price rises, the assets will increase. Of course, you can sell them to get money.
Since "Move to Earn" itself has just been born, the number of application is still limited, and honestly, it's now still being on the first go. However, depending on future developments, the market size is expected to expand to a considerable extent.
Since playing such online and social games, including NFT games, is basically indoors, once you start playing, you'l have to sit for a long time. This is not healthy at all.
But what if the more you walk and run, the more you earn? There are double and triple merits that make you enjoy exercise and games at the same time and get rewards. This may increase the number of people who do exercises, and it may be used as a diet and anti-aging measure, and athletes may be able to enjoy monotonous training.
There are an unimaginable number of people in the world who enjoy walking. For those people, it will be a great deal because they can earn money just by walking because they like it. People who are worrying whether their life will last long may be able to continue walking because the profit will work and their motivation will increase if they receive a reward. The true value of "Move to Earn" is the unprecedented new way of earning money, which gives not only health but also economic benefits and allows you to enjoy the game.
NFTs have become quite major among investors and enthusiasts, but in general they are not yet citizens. When it comes to NFT games, the reality is that many elderly people and housewives aren't interested in them and don't even know their existance. However, with a completely different approach of health and anti-aging, there is a good chance that these kinds of games will take a hit to the people who are unfamiliar with NFTs.
Two types of Move to Earn
There are two main concepts of "Move to Earn".
One is that people can enjoys the view that virtual and the real one are connected by converting the shoes used for walking and jogging into NFT and featuring them in exercises such as walking and running. The higher the quality of NFT shoes, the easier it is to get high points when actually exercising. If you skip it, you will get less tokens. In other words, the content of walking and jogging itself is directly linked to the reward amount.
Another one is a fusion of "Move to Earn" and "Play to Earn" elements. There is no change in moving your body by walking or jogging. However, the results are not linked to things that are directly related to exercise, such as shoes, as before, but are used as energy for raising and fighting characters in the game.
Since the character is an NFT, if the token price rises, the price will rises accordingly, and of course you can sell it on the marketplace. This point is no different from "Play to Earn". However, the decisive difference is that the starting point is not the operation of the game, but the exercise. You can't enjoy or earn money without exercising.
Move to Earn - Examples
Now, let's introduce two games that you can try "Move to Earn". The former "STEPN" is the type that features exercise as mentioned earlier, and the latter "Genopets" is a type that combines "Move to Earn" and "Play to Earn".
"STEPN" is an NFT game built on Solana blockchain and is a pioneer of "Move to Earn". Solana is a crypto asset that can be developed by smart contracts, and it is attracting a lot of attention as an alternative to Ethereum, whose fees are rising.
Players can get their own token "GST" just by purchasing NFT shoes, launching the app, and walking or running. Shoes can be freely selected among 4 types: "Walker (walker = 1~6km/ h)" "Jogger (jogger = 4~10km/ h)" "Runner (runner = 8~20km/ h)" "Trainer (trainer = 1~20k / h)". The corresponding speed is fixed for each (speed in parentheses above), and if you do not walk, walk fast, or run within that range, it will not be counted as a token distribution target.
Once you have decided on the type of sneaker, you can further select the quality of the sneaker from 5 levels ("Common", "Uncommon", "Rare", "Epic (not implemented)", "Legendary (not implemented)"). The cheapest is "Common", but the lowest price is still around 100,000 yen. When it comes to "Rare", the price range is several million yen at a high price, so you can't buy it if you don't have enough funds. Prices for the same sneakers are changing day by day and are steadily rising in the first half of 2022.
After deciding the quality of the sneakers, decide the characteristics you like from the four attributes ("Efficiency", "Luck", "Comfort", and "Resilience"), which consist of parameter values. By the way, the NFT shoes are programmed to be damaged as you continue exercising and must be repaired with tokens as needed. "Resilience" If the price is high, the price will increase because the shoes are not easily damaged, but it is possible to reduce the cost for repairs. In this area, the virtual and the real are closely connected, and the "STEPN" unique "STEPN" It can be said to be a bargain and fun of "Move to Earn".
shoes are decided and the purchase procedure is completed, you can walk or run whenever you like and earn the travel distance. It is regulated by the type of shoes. The amount of GST granted depends on how much you can move within the speed range. GST can be exchanged for crypto assets such as SOL and USDC, and can also be sent to the wallet. These can be exchanged for yen at the exchange. If you do, you can earn cash income. It is said that you can earn about 1,000 to 30,000 yen a day, depending on the sneakers you choose and the distance you travel.
Furthermore, in September 2022 players will be able to rent sneakers. By lending your NFT sneakers to others, you will get 70% of the token profits for the lender and 30% for the borrowers. If the number of new entrants who can play "STEPN" even if they can't buy sneakers increases, it can be expected that the spread of "Move to Earn" will be accelerated.
By the way, it was about 172 JPY on January 1, 2022GST has soared to about 593 JPY as of April 1st, which shows that the attention to "STEPN", which is the forerunner of the world view of "Move to Earn", is very high.
"Genopets" was launched in beta following "STEPN". As of the end of March 2022, you will not be able to play this game without invitation.
Like "STEPN", it is operated on the Solana blockchain, and players first undergo a simple personality diagnosis and obtain an NFT pet (genopet) that suits their characteristics. In addition to walking and running, genopets can be upgraded and sold in the marketplace for exercises such as dancing and biking.
The big feature of "Genopets" is that the more you exercise, the more you can train and strengthen Genopets, and the more energy you can get to battle with other players. Genopets grow in four stages: "infant", "young", "adult", and "mystic".
With a small amount of SOL (Sorana's crypto assets), you can get started for free, which is a big advantage because it is easy to participate. For a fee, you can have a facility called "Habitat" in the game, where you can breed and breed multiple Genopets. In other words, "Genopets" can be said to be an evolutionary system that adds the element of "Play to Earn" to "Move to Earn".
GENE, the governance token of "Genopets", was in the 600-800 yen range from February to March 2022, but rose sharply in April of the same year, showing a sharp rise to around 2,420 yen. I am. Many prominent investors are actively investing in the Genopets project, and its popularity and expectations are reflected in the price of GENE.
Move to Earn - Future potential
The possibility of the spread and development of "Move to Earn" in the future of Move to Earn is immeasurableWith the addition of outdoor elements and economic benefits to the gaming world, where indoors occupy an overwhelming share, the target number of users could be far beyond imagination.
At this stage, for example, in "STEPN", walking and running are the target exercises of "Move to Earn". However, technological advances have also made it possible to expand the range of exercise, such as swimming, biking and boating, and dancing, as in Genopets. Furthermore, it is not a dream to make a successful free throw in basketball, to hit the target with archery, and to derive it into various sports. In addition, if the uniforms, shoes, competition venues, etc. at that time are capitalized as NFTs, a large market will be born.
If this happens, the fusion of Metaverse and "Move to Earn" must be widespread. Avatar reproduces the dance performance performed in the real world in the virtual space, and the audience can watch the live from their favorite place. If the rewards for dance skills are given as crypto assets, the number of people participating in "Move to Earn" may increase dramatically. Allowing the best performers to throw money from the viewer will give them even more fun.
Even in baseball, it may be interesting if "Move to Earn" is performed based on the speed of pitching and the flight distance of the hit ball. Even in high school baseball, if you register as a team and reward the team itself according to the records thrown and hit by the members, it would not be a dream to use it for bats, balls, food, expeditions, etc. .. If the "Move to Earn" system can be introduced to sports for people with disabilities, it can be expected to contribute to the stability of life and the elimination of financial anxiety.
What is remarkable about "Move to Earn" is that it is possible to link virtual and real through blockchain as a medium. Not only have many people been under-exercised due to the Korona-ka, but the seriousness of loneliness due to social distance has also been strongly pointed out. In that sense, it can be said that the role of "Move to Earn" is very important, where players can enjoy the game and earn money while actually moving their bodies and stimulating their five senses.
The world view of "Move to Earn" has just been born. However, it is very attractive because it has health and economic benefits, and it also has a game-like character. In fact, crypto assets related to "Move to Earn" have shown a sharp rise in 2022, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a movement reminiscent of the return of the 2021 NFT boom. If further innovation occurs due to the fusion with Metaverse, unprecedented game changes can be considered, so keep an eye on "Move to Earn" more and more.
Relipa offers a wide range of blockchain services such as NFT conversion services. In addition to being inexpensive for offshore development, experienced engineers will strongly support your system development with knowledge and high technology. If you are thinking of monetizing with a business model such as "Move to Earn" or "Play to Earn", please feel free to contact us.